Pump performance test
Pump Performance Test are typically conducted in accordance with the Hydraulic Test Standard.
The testing of complex systems like fire pumps is one of the most difficult tasks for field workers and contractors. Unfortunately, many of the people assigned to conduct these assessments merely lack the essential knowledge. A poorly executed fire pump test could miss a serious issue or lead to needless corrective labour.
It takes time and planning to test a fire pump system properly. This includes confirming the accuracy of all measuring devices. Although the industry standard for test devices is at least annually, the NFPA does not set any standards for calibration. Additionally, it should be possible to find the essential measuring tools, such as smooth-bore nozzles, hoses, brackets, and standard hand tools. There might be a requirement for one or more helpers. A qualified individual who is capable of conducting basic testing on powered electrical systems should also be available.
The good news is AITO has capable technician that can possess the required abilities and information.