AITO EV Fire Blanket: Your Trusted Protection

Introducing our revolutionary EV Fire Blankets, crafted to safeguard your electric vehicle with unparalleled precision, now proudly endorsed by the esteemed firefighters of Bomba Malaysia! Experience the unparalleled pinnacle of protection, a privilege exclusively available from AITO. Elevate your peace of mind knowing that your electric vehicle’s safety is not just a priority but our unwavering commitment.

Our commitment to your safety goes beyond the ordinary. With AITO’s EV Fire Blankets, you can elevate your peace of mind, knowing that your electric vehicle’s safety is not just a priority but our unwavering commitment. Designed with advanced technology and made from the highest quality materials, these fire blankets offer the ultimate defense against potential hazards. Whether at home, on the road, or in a public charging station, trust in AITO to deliver unmatched security for your electric vehicle.


Be Prepared, Be Protected. The Essential EV Fire Safety Tool.

Storage Option

Waterproof Bag

Wall Mount Hardcase

Swift, unmatched protection – our EV Fire Blanket for peace of mind.

Characteristics of EV Fire Blanket

How it works

Easily drag the EV Car Fire Blanket over a blazing vehicle to swiftly contain both flames and fumes. In electric vehicles, lithium batteries can sustain combustion even without oxygen.

For transporting EVs on a tow truck, it’s advised to keep the fire blanket securely tied at tire level using a rope or load strap.

Step 1 - Prepare

Position the fire blanket on the ground either in front of or behind the vehicle, then unroll it.

Step 2 - Wrap the Vehicle

Two individuals should each take a handle and carefully draw the fire blanket over the car in a smooth, uninterrupted motion.

Step 3 - Keep the fire blanket on

Ensure the fire blanket is securely fastened to the ground. Await further assessment from firefighters.

To unveil the car, pull the fire blanket away from the vehicle, avoiding movement towards it.


In cases of electric vehicle fires, it is advisable to keep the fire blanket in place until the vehicle is safely transported to a designated area.

Our Satisfied Customer

At AITO Firework Sdn Bhd, we do sell an extensive range of fire safety equipment. In addition, we offer education and training to help you, your organization, or your business to operate the equipment effectively. To inquire further, contact our friendly team today.

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