Room Integrity test
A room integrity test examines the room’s construction, air leakage rate, and, most significantly, its capacity to contain fire-fighting gases. Without releasing the extinguishing gas itself, room integrity testing may forecast the retention time and leakiness of a room. The air tightness and amount of air leakage in a room are determined by room integrity tests based on the pressure differential that occurs during testing.
What equipment is involved in Room Integrity Test?
- Expandable door panels
- Configuration of the range and calibrated fan(s)
- Laptop computer,
- Calibrated gauges,
- Enclosure integrity software
Room Integrity Test Procedures
- All AHUs and ACs in the test room will be turned off.
- The test’s direction will be decided by the tester.
- “Door Fan Test Panels / Plastic Sheet” will be used to seal the door of the room undergoing testing.
- Seal tapes will be used to close any little holes that may exist.
- The Blower Fan for the Room Integrity Test will be mounted on the Panel.
- The power wire …
For Further information about room integrity test, talk with our expert.
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