CO2 Weighting
Weighting a CO2 fire extinguisher is the only way to determine whether it is empty. Along with other details, the gross weight (G W) is branded into the cylinder shoulder’s metal. Weight your CO2 fire extinguisher (without the swivel horn) and compare the results to the stamped gross weight to determine how full it is.
Step-step to inspect CO2 Fire Extinguisher.
1.Find your Fire Extinguisher
It may seem apparent, but you must be aware of the locations of the fire extinguishers near your house or place of business. If there is a fire emergency, make sure they are in a location that is easily accessible.
2.Fire extinguisher class verification
Verify the labelling on your CO2 fire extinguisher to be sure it is safe for the kinds of fires that might occur nearby. If the label doesn’t contain adequate details, look them out online or get in touch with your local fire department.
3.Look above the plastic seal. A seal …
For Further information about CO2 weight, talk with our expert.

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