Fire Extinguisher Calculator

Portable fire extinguishers are the most frequently utilized fire-fighting equipment in commercial and industrial spaces. However, adherence to fire safety regulations mandates that the number of extinguishers required is determined by the size of the premises.

To facilitate compliance with these regulations, we have developed a fire extinguisher calculator tool that computes the number of extinguishers needed based on the area of the workplace. Utilize this free calculator to determine the appropriate quantity of extinguishers for your premises.

Let’s assume the chosen extinguisher for your business has a fire rating of 27A (the exact rating will depend on the sort of extinguisher you choose), now you will need to identify what is the “Fire Rating” of your space. This calculation is derived from the area of the space (in square meter) multiplied by the value of 0.065.

Disclaimer: This calculator is only to be used as guidance and does not provide the definitive answer.

  • The most commonly used fire extinguisher is the 9kg ABC Dry Powder extinguisher, with a rating of 27A.
  • To determine the fire rating, one can multiply the floor area in square meters (m²) by 0.065. For instance, if the floor area is 410m², the fire rating would be 410 x 0.065 = 27A.
  • A 9kg ABC Dry Powder extinguisher has a fire rating of 27A, therefore one 9kg ABC Dry Powder extinguisher will be required for every 410m² of floor area.

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