Fire Extinguisher Service : Why You Should Service Your Fire Extinguisher

Fire Extinguisher Service

Fire Extinguisher Service: Why You Should Service Your Fire Extinguisher

Do you regularly service your fire extinguisher for bumps, leaks, or dents that could compromise its functionality during an emergency? Neglecting this crucial task might leave you vulnerable when you need the extinguisher most.

To ensure it works when needed, designate someone to inspect it monthly and schedule an annual service with a professional.

Fire Extinguisher Service

5 Reasons to Regularly Service Your Fire Extinguisher

1. Hidden Damage

Fire Extinguisher Service

Damage to your fire extinguisher can occur in hard-to-see areas, particularly inside the aluminum or steel cylinder. Over time, corrosion can weaken the cylinder’s reliability, making it essential to have a professional inspection.

2. Hose Blockages

Hose blockages or damage are often difficult to detect. Insects or debris can obstruct the hose, compromising its ability to function properly. A professional technician can identify and address these issues.

3. Potential Leaks

Even a small leak can render a fire extinguisher useless. While extinguishers with pressure gauges can be monitored, not all extinguishers have them. A professional can detect leaks that might otherwise go unnoticed.

4. Worn Label

Fire Extinguisher Service

Labels on fire extinguishers provide crucial instructions for use. Over time, these labels can wear out, especially in outdoor or active warehouse settings. Worn labels can make it difficult for users to operate the extinguisher correctly and for technicians to verify extinguisher details during maintenance.

5. Recharging Needs

Every fire extinguisher must be recharged immediately after use, even if only partially discharged. Regular servicing ensures your extinguisher remains fully charged and ready for future use.

Fire Extinguisher Service


Ensure Your Safety with Regular Maintenance

With proper service and maintenance, it can last 5 to 15 years before needing replacement. Don’t wait until it’s too late—ensure your fire extinguisher is ready when you need it.

Our company AITO, we provide top-quality products and fire extinguisher services to ensure your safety. Contact us at 03 – 7831 4791 for more information.

Related: Fire Extinguisher Inspection: Inspection and Service On Fire Extinguishers


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