Fire Hazards at Construction Site : Common Causes and Triggers


Construction sites are high-risk areas for several reasons, many of which are obvious. One of these is the danger of potential fire breaking out, with many construction sites hosting numerous examples of the three elements needed to start a fire: a source of ignition, a source of oxygen, and a source of fuel.

Fires in these environments can be highly destructive, with material damage, construction delays and life-threatening consequences. With many occurring each year, it is important to understand some of the common causes, helping those responsible for safety to avoid fires.

Common Fire Hazards at Construction Site

fire hazard at construction site

Combustible materials

Most of the construction sites are filled with materials that can easily catch fire, such as liquid fuel, lumber and protective equipment. LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) is a particular hazard. This is used as fuel at most of the construction sites, mainly in bitumen heaters and throughout on-site housing.

All flammable and combustible liquids and gases should be used and stored in such a way that they do not present a fire hazard at the site. Limit the number of flammable materials inside the building under construction and identify safe storage locations.

Electrical wiring

Faulty, exposed or incorrectly installed electrical wiring is a major fire hazard at many construction sites. Fire hazards may also occur due to the prevalence of old electrical cabling. All the elements needed to start a fire are present, coupled with the likelihood of sparks from construction work, such as soldering and sawing.

Careless Smoking

While they may be rules in place that prohibit smoking at a construction site, construction workers are not always prevented from smoking at work. It only takes one carelessly discarded cigarette to ignite a deadly flame. Smoking is usually prohibited on-site or designated smoking areas are provided away from the main work site and site offices.


Many construction fires are intentionally set up by vandals or disgruntled workers.

In conclusion, fires during construction can be even more damaging than a fire in a completed building. This is due to a few factors, including but not limited to: fire sprinkler system may not be fully installed; fire alarms may not yet be installed; adequate fire-rated enclosures may not yet have been provided, and to function in a building as soon as they are occupied.

In general, fire hazards are the direct result of the exposure of fuels to sufficient heat to cause ignition. Uncontrolled energy, such as open flames, sparks, electrical energy and even chemical reactions that may exist in areas where fuels are not properly controlled, is a condition for a fire hazard.

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For more info and consultation regarding fire safety or need consultation, contact us at [email protected] or call us at 03-7831 4791. Fire incidents are inevitable, but fire prevention is our option. Safety Forever Fire Never.



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