4 Ways To Reduce False Fire Alarms

4 Ways To Reduce False Fire Alarms

False fire alarms that trigger unnecessary fire department dispatches can be extremely time-consuming and costly for your business. Reducing the chances of these disruptions is crucial for maintaining productivity and minimizing expenses

Here are four effective ways to reduce false fire alarms, keeping your business and employees safe while allowing authorities to focus on real emergencies.


1. Maintain System

One of the best ways to prevent false alarms is to adhere to a regular maintenance schedule. The alarm company will be able to inform you of what you need to do on your end to keep the unit operating properly. This includes conducting tests from time to time and even using a vacuum cleaner periodically to ensure that your smoke detectors are not obstructed. If you keep on top of maintenance, you’ll reduce the odds of false fire alarms. In order to ensure that maintenance issues don’t fall between the cracks, assign these important tasks to members of your staff.

2. Think Ahead

If you have work done at your commercial property that can produce lots of visible dust, such as sanding or welding, you could inadvertently set off your smoke detectors. In the event that you plan to do this sort of work yourself or have it done by a contractor, inform your alarm company beforehand. If your alarm company knows of the situation they can take extra steps to verify whether or not an alarm is a real problem before dispatching the authorities.

3. Install Properly

For commercial properties, it’s best to rely on professional installers for fire alarm systems. While you can install home systems yourself, a business setup is more complex and time-consuming. A professional installation can help you avoid potential issues that might arise from incorrect setup. If you choose to install it yourself, carefully follow all instructions and test the system afterward to confirm it works correctly.

4. Watch the Stove

Even something like burned biscuits can trigger a false fire alarm. So, it goes without saying that being careful in and around the kitchen area is an important way of reducing the chances of a false fire alarm. This means companies could implement specific policies for the workplace eating area.

False fire alarms can definitely be a problem that costs you a significant amount of money, especially if the authorities respond to the alarm and find that there is no real problem. By following the 4 Ways To Reduce False Fire Alarms above, you can lessen the odds of this happening.

One way to brilliantly maintain and manage your fire systems in your building, use Diaudit, Online Fire Inspection System for your building. For more info, do not hesitate to contact us!



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