Fire Blanket Malaysia : A Must Have Fire Safety Product

fire blanket supplier malaysia

Fire Blanket Malaysia: A Must-Have Fire Safety Product

Fire blanket Malaysia. A fire blanket is a safety product intended to extinguish small incipient or starting fires. It consists of a sheet of fire-retardant material which is placed over a fire in order to smother it.

fire blanket malaysia

Small fire blankets, such as for use in kitchens and around the home, are usually made of fibreglass and sometimes Kevlar, and are folded into a quick-release container for ease of storage. Larger fire blankets, for use in laboratory and industrial situations, are often made of wool (sometimes treated with a flame-retardant fluid). These blankets are usually mounted in vertical quick-release cabinets so that they can be easily pulled out and wrapped around a person whose clothes are on fire. The principle of smothering the fire with heavy material (blankets, coats, rugs, etc) goes back into the mists of time. By the early 20th Century just as portable chemical fire extinguishers were being developed and widely used, so were more formal fire smothering blankets. For a large part of the 20th Century fire blankets were made of leather or wool (naturally of low flammability and flame spread) and then asbestos. By the 1960s the first modern blankets made of glass fibre cloth were introduced and current fire blankets are based around enhanced versions of these. Usually, they layer the glass fibre under the front and back layers of a flame-retardant film or have the flame-retardant film sandwiched between two layers of glass fibre.

fire blanket selangor

 Use Fire Blanket Malaysia in These Situations

  1. Electrical & Overall Indoor Fires.
Usually, a wool fire blanket is versatile enough to stand up to these types of fires. Sometimes poorly-wired outlets, worn cords or the cords of old heaters are likely to start an electrical fire. When this happens, a fire blanket is just as effective as a fire extinguisher. However, people who panic have an easier time using a fire blanket than a fire extinguisher. When people panic after seeing a fire, they often confuse or forget how to activate an extinguisher. Simply throwing the flame-retardant wool blanket is a fast way to put out small flames. Choose blankets that are large enough to cover the room area they’re placed in. If necessary, purchase multiple blankets. Whether using these in a home or office, place them in locations where they’ll be easily accessible. Educate family members or employees about how to use them.
  1. Kitchen & Grease Fires.
Wool blankets are often suitable for kitchen or grease fires. There are some fire blankets on the market that are specifically intended for kitchens. If desired, purchase these instead of a general wool blanket. Be sure to purchase enough of these blankets to cover a large grease fire. Store them in a place that isn’t too high. For example, never put one above a stove or indoor grill. In the event of a grease fire on the stove, it might be impossible to reach the blanket without getting burned. I recommend restaurant businesses always have these blankets available at your restaurant to minimize equipment damage. By the time employees use an extinguisher, equipment might be damaged beyond repair or the fire might have already spread.
  1. Infant & Child Fire Protection.
Fires often occur unexpectedly. Unfortunately, dangerous flames claim the lives of many infants each year. To minimize the risk of infant harm, use a special infant fire blanket. They’re sold at fire safety companies and baby supply stores. Every day-care business should always use these fire-retardant blankets on napping infants. They can also be used at home on unattended infants who are napping. Never cover an infant’s face. These blankets cling to the outline of the baby’s body, so it’s easy to wrap them up and keep them safe from flames while exiting a structure that’s on fire.
  1. Outdoor Fires.
Large fire blankets are ideal for outdoor fires that arise from grills, fire pits or candles. Since there is usually plenty of oxygen outdoors, it’s easy for fires to flourish. By the time a fire extinguisher is obtained, the fire might have spread far. It’s best to keep a fire blanket handy when any candles, torches or grills are lit outdoors. If the flames become out of control, throw the blanket on the fire immediately.

Fire Blanket Malaysia Advantages

  • Very easy to use because it requires no proper training for use and can be used by anyone. Adult and children.
  • Fire blankets can be reused, washed and cleaned.
  • A person can easily use it on themselves to put off a fire.
  • They are pretty affordable and easy to store.
  • They are always ready to use in case of emergency.
  • A fire blanket can be used to put off fires on people which is not possible through a fire extinguisher.

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Fire blanket in Malaysia is a very useful fire safety product intended to put off small or the start of fires. Each house should have one to prevent any further damage. Store it at the easiest spot to grab in case of a fire event. Always be prepared for your and your family’s safety. Want to keep your family safe? Keep at least one fire blanket Malaysia at each of your premises before it’s too late. CALL US NOW at 03 7831 4791 to purchase a fire blanket today. At AITO Firework, we provide the best quality fire blankets for our customers.


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