Fire Fighting Equipment – What You Need in Your Premises

Fire Fighting Equipment – What you need on your premises

Fire Fighting Equipment – What you need in your premises. No one wants a fire in their building. If you own or manage a workplace, you need to follow certain safety standards to protect your employees and property from fire.

It is an ethical responsibility to keep your employees safe at the workplace. Even if it is a small business, you are legally obligated to follow fire safety laws.

These are the fire fighting equipment that you should be considering of having at your premises.

  1. Fire Sand

fire fighting equipment shah alam

Fire extinguishers are not always available, so it is important to know other ways to put out a fire. One technique used to smother a fire involves sand and a bucket. A fire-sand bucket is a steel bucket filled with sand. While this is a low-tech method of fighting a fire, it is usually very effective.

  1. Flamezorb

Fire Fighting Equipment

Flamezorb is a far superior product to regular sand and is what we recommend for use in fire buckets. It offers unrivalled performance on flammable liquid spills and is the perfect substance for use on forecourts.

  • Non-toxic chemical compound effectively smothers flames
  • Excellent absorbent properties – far superior to sand
  • Lightweight – only 2kg per bag
  • Bag contents will fill a 10 litre bucket
  • Effortless clear up and disposal – unlike sand
  1. Fire extinguisher

fire fighting selangor

Fire extinguisher, portable or movable apparatus used to put out a small fire by directing onto it a substance that cools the burning material, deprives the flame of oxygen, or interferes with the chemical reactions occurring in the flame.

Once you have installed fire extinguishers, it must be kept in good working order. It is not acceptable for fire extinguishers to be left unchecked and untested. Make sure that you follow the recommended testing and inspection schedule from the extinguisher’s manufacture, and document those inspections.

Fire extinguishers should not be used by people who have not been trained. Before undertaking a fire with a fire extinguisher make sure you or someone else has sounded the fire alarm and that you have a safe evacuation path.

  1. Fire Extinguisher Ball

fire fighting malaysia

Fire Extinguisher Ball is light and portable which could extinguish the initial fire. It is made of the water-proof plastic shell and filled up with harmless environmental powder.

It is a fully automatic fire extinguisher. When thrown or rolled into the fire, it will get burst and extinguish the fire immediately. You can also place it where the hotspots are such as flammable objects, circuit breaker box and gas tanks.

Fire Extinguisher Ball is the most advanced product in the fire industry to reduce the disaster and any irreparable loss caused by fire.

Different premises have different needs

We make it our mission to share fire safety advice and fire equipment recommendations. Bear in mind that every business have different needs but there are many pieces of fire equipment that every business needs whether they are situated in an office environment, warehouse or factory.

For more information on fire fighting equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us at 03 – 7831 4791. At AITO Firework Holding Sdn Bhd, we deliver only the best service and product quality.



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