Fire Certificate : For Premise and Fire Extinguisher

fire extinguisher certificate

Fire Certificate: For Premise and Fire Extinguisher

In Malaysia, the fire certificate applies to both premise and the fire safety equipment within them, such as fire extinguisher. Fire certificate is intended to ensure that the premise have designated safety, prevention, fire protection and fire-fighting enough for the safety of life and property from fire.

Fire certificate applicant will be responsible for fire safety of their premise. Based on the duties and responsibilities of the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba), generally, all premises must be inspected by the Fire Department inspection team.

In practice, there are certain categories of buildings that have a high risk of fire hazards or have special risks that require special attention. For example, oil refinery premises have a higher risk than ordinary petrol stations.

Under the Fire Services Act 1988, the General Director has the power to determine and issue a certificate upon him. Provision for a fire certificate is in accordance with Part V (sections 27 to 36) the Fire Services Act 1988.

Designated Premise

According to the interpretation of section 2, “designated premise” means the size of premise or place has been determined under section 27 for the purpose of issuing a certificate of fire.

General Director is authorized under the Act to prescribe the designated premise. Thus, the legal representative of the issued by the Bomba Fire Services (Designated Premises) 1998 [PU (A) 276/1998], which came into force on 23 July 1998.

Determination of designated premise is according to the Schedule of Fire Services Order (Prescribed Premises) 1998.

Read More: Premise That Required to Apply Fire Certificate Malaysia

According to Section 28 (1) of Act 341, any designated premises shall have a fire certificate in force. Meanwhile, according to Section 33 of Act 341, the owner who does not have a fire certificate is guilty of an offense.

Important Note: On 1 September 2018 Fire Services Act 1988 (amended 2019) came into force. Penalties for offenses of not having a fire certificate have been amended to effect a fine of RM50,000.00 (fifty thousand) or 5 years imprisonment.

Application of fire certificate can be made through online website: Business Licensing Electronic Support System  (BLESS)

Once the application was made, fire department will determine the officials concerned to conduct the inspection on the specified date and time.

Fire Extinguisher as Part of Fire Safety Compliance

Step to obtain this certificate are

1. The premise owner has to purchase a Fire Extinguisher which are Certified by SIRIM, approved by BOMBA and meets the Code of Practise- in terms of size, type and location of installation.

2. Apply at the nearest Balai Bomba with payment using Borang APA 1, APA 2 & APA 3. Upon approval, normally it will tooks around 2 to 3 days to issued the EFIES sticker and receipt.

3. The first copy of EFIES sticker is to be paste onto the fire extinguisher body. Make sure do not obstruct the original label on the extinguisher body, especially the operating instructions.

4. Keep the second copy for future reference. Local authority might requires the receipt as proof of approval. They also might require the second copy to submit together with business license application or renewal.

Relationship Between Fire Certificate and Fire Extinguisher

  • Inspection Criteria: During the fire certificate application or renewal process, the fire department inspects fire extinguishers as part of the building’s fire safety measures.
  • Documentation: Maintenance logs of fire extinguishers and compliance with servicing standards are required. It is part of the application or renewal process.
  • Certification Standards: Fire extinguishers must meet national standards for quality and safety. This proof may be required during inspections.

Ensuring Compliance Fire Extinguisher

To ensure that fire extinguishers and other safety equipment meet the requirements for a fire certificate:

  • Regular Servicing: Conduct routine checks and professional servicing of fire extinguishers.
  • Staff Training: Train employees or building occupants on how to use fire extinguishers properly.
  • Up-to-Date Records: Maintain records of all maintenance activities and any replacements or updates to fire safety equipment.

A fire certificate encompasses the fire safety readiness of a building, including the presence and functionality of essential equipment like fire extinguishers. Compliance with fire safety regulations requires regular checks and adherence to standards, both for the premises as a whole and the specific fire safety tools within them.

Need to get Fire Certificate for your premise? Not sure what to do? We offer specific fire safety consultations relating to special project or specifics fire safety problem. Our certified consultant will guide you to get your fire certificate. Contact Us Now!



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